Lucas James has improved full-life cycle recruiting. How? Watch the video above to learn more.


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So having been in talent acquisition my entire career, one thing that I notice is when a recruiter gets really busy, they have a high volume of requirements on their plate at any given time. The first thing that kind of falls to the wayside is sourcing candidates. They don’t have the time to sit on LinkedIn and source candidates one by one. They don’t have time to cold call candidates one by one to find those passive job seekers. And in the environment that we’re in, where it’s record unemployment, where most of the talent pool is currently working somewhere you really need to have a strategy where you’re finding those passive job seekers.


So at Lucas James, we’ve split up the full lifecycle recruiting role into two core functions. We have our senior recruiters that are working with our clients on a day to day basis. They’re performing behavioral and technical interviews on a day to day basis, supporting our clients and increasing some bandwidth. They also have a sourcing specialist that’s solely supporting them, providing that high volume outreach. Cold calling cold emailing candidates, getting the word out about our client organization and how great the culture is and how great the career path is for them at this organization and driving them to the organization to create a Canada pool that our clients can effectively pick their top candidate from.


Oftentimes recruiters solely rely on job boards, and with job boards you’re only really seeing maybe 10% of the candidate pool that can do that job. You really need to have that passive strategy. And that’s why we’ve split up the full lifecycle recruiting function and providing a lot of value for our clients. In that way, when a recruiter gets really busy, they have 10, 15, 20 different openings on their plate at any given time. That’s way more volume than they have the capacity to fully execute and build quality candidate pools for.


So what we’ve done at Lucas James is we’ve split the full lifecycle recruiting function into two roles. So we have senior recruiters that are the point of contact to the candidate. They’re performing behavioral and technical based interviews. They’re performing reference checks. They’re supporting our client on a day-to-day basis.


We have a sourcing specialist function. All they do on a day-to-day basis is high volume outreach. So what we’re doing is we’re bringing the RPO benefits down to the small and the medium sized businesses that arguably need the top talent the most.