Unfortunately, resumes can be tricky for most job seekers. Should you tailor it to each and every role you apply for? Should you keep it to 1 page? What do hiring managers and recruiters like to see? Here are a few top tips based on research and feedback to help job seekers out with their resumes!

Resume Tips for Job Seekers

  • Re-read and Spell check – Re-read through your resume, even after using spell check. Make sure your sentences are formatted the same throughout your entire resume. Especially look for grammatical and spelling errors that spell check may have missed. These types of errors are one of the first things recruiters and hiring managers will notice.
  • Make your resume stand out – Your resume represents you and will be the key piece of whether or not you land the interview.  Use your resume as a way to market yourself to the hiring manager. Use keywords and phrases to catch their interest. Do not be repetitive on work statements. Pick a simple format that showcases your education, work history, and skills.
  • Contact Information – Provide your email and best contact number. Use a professional email address.
  • Resume Length – Keep your resume to 2 pages max. We all want to provide as much information as possible, but you also want to draw in the hiring manager so that they will have questions. For them to ask those questions, they will need to contact the candidate, and this will allow them to give more specific information. Another note on resume length would be only going back ten years if you cannot keep your resume to 2 pages.
  • Tailor your resume – Job descriptions are usually pretty general, but they do have key requirements that will qualify or disqualify a candidate. If a role requires specific experience with a software program, that specific program should be on your resume. You should do this even if it means tailoring your resume for each position you apply to.
  • Include your LinkedIn Handle –  Most working people have a LinkedIn account, and this is a good way to connect with a candidate. Make sure it is also available to recruiters and hiring managers. For example, you can include this under your contact information.

With these resume tips, you’ll be one step closer to finding your next opportunity. Best of luck!